Yesterday, I told you about how I got ban by Facebook and afterwards,
Firstly I complained
To anyone who would listen,
Then I realised Facebook belongs to the shareholders, they don’t care about my business.
It was then that one of my mentors released the One Funnel Away Challenge,
That. TK.
I remember the first time I woke up to money from an affiliate sale hitting my account, using the Traffic, Conversions and Sales formula that we spoke about yesterday.
I’ll be honest, it’s really really nice, as you can imagine.
Now I spend my time between Mexico, Sipping Coconuts from time to time
and Ireland dodging the raindrops.
I have an online business that is growing daily.
Servicing my clients all over the World, from Europe to North America, Africa to Asia.
I also sell mainly software as an affiliate.
I don’t say this to boast,
So that you know you are in the right place, at the right time.
There is a saying, a rising tide raises all boats.
By the end of 2020, I am going to help 100 people also have successful online businesses.
To date, I have helped 75 people.
So now it’s your turn.
Can I take a moment to ask you a couple of questions about you?
As you are sitting there, reading this on your computer or phone.
Would you like to build a successful online business?
What difference would it make to be able to ask someone who has been where you are going?
I understand you.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be part of a like minded community?
What would it be worth to you?
The possibility of achieving what so far has been out of reach must be a no brainer for you to investigate further… right?
So do you want to get started on this path today?
I bet you do.
So all that is left is for you to take the first small step and…
Watch the video of the OFA Challenge
Let’s do this together
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Jerry J O Brien
Skype: jerryobrien1
P.S. So after you join, email me here and tell me when you are free, but first sign up here.
Is this going to be the start of your own Rocky 2 Movie?

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