A Week or so ago, we told you that Eric Worre of Network Marketing Pro was providing Free Training on how to take things to the next level and Make 2015 your sest year ever. We spoke about organising a mastermind group and we would like to share with you the notes from this event! Here is a link to further details. What has been interesting with taking these notes so far is how relevant this is to any Company big or Small in any industry. Please let us know what you think.
For thoses who don’t know Eric Worre has been a leader in the Network Marketing Profession for over 25 years. Although he’s now retired from being a distributor and focused exclusively on Network Marketing Pro, his career has given him a broad range of experience. He’s been a top field producer, building sales organizations totaling over 500,000 distributors in over 60 countries; the President of a $200 million dollar Network Marketing company; a co-founder and president of his own company, TPN- The Peoples Network; and a high level marketing consultant to the Network Marketing Profession.
This training the words of Eric Worre, we hope you enjoy!

Eric Worre- Network Marketing Pro
Here goes! :-
Eric Worre -Next Level Training
Day 1-
- DECIDE This is going to be your year
- Decide TO Do this,
- Decide to GO PRO,
- Get a Physical Calendar
- Get a Journal To write down on how to be more Successful in 2015
- Focus and be serious about your career
- Assume Success
- Focus on your Reasons and what success means to your life and Family.
Forgive yourself for past failures that journey needed to happen for you to get here.
Day 2-
So Guys, The Training has been getting a lot more serious since Tuesday! Eric talked about how we were the ones now who are taking it seriously. It’s interesting how he breaks it out in numbers. Comparing this year, this month, to last year. Interestingly breaking out into small bite size numbers. For example how many meetings last month, and next month! This is very similar to what I have been doing and advising others to do as part of my day job, In Software Sales and Consultancy! Here are the notes from today!
Take Inventory from your Team –
What Assets do you have?
- How many people on my team are currently Active in my business?
- Is that up or down on last year?
- How many people are qualified at each rank?
- How many are prepared to stay consistent and work to the next Rank.
- Number at last Major Event? (Want to make $100,000 . Get 100 people to the next major event! ( You earn on average $1,000 person at an event per year))
- How many at the last major event?
- How many commited to the next major event? Are you in or out?
- How many weekly meetings are happening in your team?
- Last Month?
- Next Month?
- Number of Presenters and Trainers?
Make a call to your whole team and ask them each these questions. Love them if either way, but concentrate on the ones who are taking it seriously with you!
What Resources do you have?
o And the quality of your Environment? Are you surround with people will help you to stay on course?
- Finding Prospects 1-10
- Inviting 1-10
- Presenting 1-10
- Follow-up 1-10
- Closing 1-10
- Getting People started 1-10
- Promoting events 1-10
These are questions for yourself and helps you to identifyy gaps and weakness to improve in the coming year!

Network Marketing isn’t Perfect… It’s just Better! Eric Worre
Day 3
Over the last 10 years I have performed Standup, Improv, done an Practitioners Course in NLP, and the last thing I thought i would need is some work on my mindset. But Alas, after watching this video. I believe that I still have a lot of room to improve.
Mindset:- What builds confidences?
- Understanding
- Skills
- Programming – Surround yourself with positive people to improve your programming.
i. Program is the things that have gone on in your mind that creates your reality. Some of you the programming is really old from when you are young.
ii. Watch out for repeating patterns in your programming.
What is your plan to improve all 3 of these to setting you up to build a successful Network Marketing Business?
At the end of this series Eric Worre will offer something to help improve your programming.
Day 4
Eric talks about people taking Network Marketing seriously. Pushing out of your Comfort Zone, Sacrificing Time and Money for the betterment of your future self. Are you willing to step up? This is what makes the difference.
Sacrifice –
- Are you prepared to sacrifice something today to get rewarded in the future?
- Make decisions to make a better life for yourself in the future?
- Comfort – You have to get out of your comfort zone!
- Time -Will you sacrifice Time?
- Money – Will you sacrifice Money? If you were to go to College it would cost thousands, are you willing to spend to money to be successful in your business?
Map Out 2015 (and even 2016)
o Meetings Make Money
o How to map out a year in a Network Marketing Company.
o All roads lead to the Major Events.
- Then you need to breakdown your monthly calendar. Your calendar needs to be full for the next month.
- On the first of each month, fill your calendar with Meetings.
o Daily Method of Operation (DMO)
- Use Product
- Share Product
- Share Opportunity
- Personal Development
Your Calendar is your Boss
Those links again
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The Founder, Jerry O’Brien, has 15 years experience in Sales and Marketing. In 2013 he set up Travel Entrepreneur Club and Social Life Dublin the year before.
Travel Entrepreneur Club bring Entrepreneurs who are passionate about travel together to Travel and Mastermind. And we have Partners in Travel Network Marketing in the Following Countries:- United States, Austria, Botswana, Canada,Cyprus, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Kenya, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Singapore, , South Africa, Puerto Rico, Iceland, Ireland, Malaysia, Poland, Serbia, Australia, Latvia, and Slovenia.

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